Food and Environmental Allergies

Controlling the Body’s Burden Chris D. Meletis, ND (with permission from, access pin: 587556) The Centers for Disease Control report that hay fever symptoms result in 14.1 million annual visits to primary care physicians.1 Overt allergic disease affects 20 percent of the US populace with an impact on some 50 million Americans.2-4 Of those…

Food Allergy Testing

Frequently Asked Questions Chris D. Meletis, ND (with permission from, access pin: 587556) As I reported in the May 2006 issue of Vitamin Research News and in a recent webinar, food allergy testing is an invaluable tool for eliminating or reducing seasonal allergy symptoms, sinusitis, and asthma. Even more global health promoting benefits can…

Flying Affects Immune Health

Flying Affects Immune Health Chris D. Meletis, ND (with permission from, access pin: 587556) One can think of an airport as an international watering hole for viruses and bacteria. Indeed, airports are cesspools of germs. As you walk through an airport, one cannot help but walk through the mist of a cough or a…

Clinical Natural Medicine Handbook

A must-read for those interested in natural therapies. It contains a wealth of information that should be a part of your natural medicine library. I highly recommend this book. –David Brownstein, MD, The Center for Holistic Medicine The authors have a remarkable breadth and depth of knowledge about natural medicines for common health issues as…