His Change of Life: Male Menopause and Healthy Aging
with Testosterone (Complementary and Alternative Medicine)
Just like in the new book by doctors Chris Meletis, ND and Sara Wood, ND, this site is a source of cutting edge research and information about hormonal health for MEN. You’ve likely heard about the changing hormones in women and maybe even heard about therapies that replace and balance declining hormones.
Bioidentical hormone replacement isn’t just for women . . . many men can benefit from returning their testosterone to optimal, physiologic levels.
Did you know that testosterone levels start to decline in men at age 30, and continue to decline at a rate of approximately 1% per year! And diet and lifestyle choices and many disease processes can exacerbate those levels leaving many men with levels far below those of their friends, colleagues and teammates.
Do you have any of the symptoms of changing hormones?
- Change in urinary flow
- Difficulty maintaining erections
- Increased forgetfulness
- Prostate problems
- Depression
- Foggy brain
- Decreased libido
- High cholesterol
- Joint pain
- Weight gain
- Elevated triglycerides
- Thinning skin
- Night sweats
- Decreased stamina
- Burned out feeling
- Decreased muscle size
- Decreased flexibility
- Apathy
- Difficulty sleeping
- Anxiety
- Infertility
- Irritability
- Hair loss
- Insulin resistance
- Developing breast tissue
- Heart disease
It’s not just testosterone levels that change as men age, there are also changes in estrogen levels, increases in sex hormone binding globulin and often blunted adrenal response that can cause many of these problems.
“This book is a must-read for practitioner and patient alike. So much more has been written for women about their experience of hormone changes. Finally, an honest, comprehensive and scientifically sound book for men experiencing hormonal imbalances.”–Erin Lommen ND CEO and Associate Medical Director, Labrix Clinical Services, Inc.
Book Description
Women aren’t the only ones who go through a hormonal shift as they age. Very real and profound changes in the male body can result in symptoms such as depression, moodiness, apathy, hot flashes, metabolic syndrome, and erectile dysfunction. Often ignored by conventional physicians, male hormone levels are easy to test and treat.
Have you have asked yourself, “is my male vitality waning?” Are you paying more attention to the commercials that clutter the sports channels, imploring us to be ready “when the time is right” and grab us with comments such as, “if you have an erection lasting four hours or longer go to the nearest emergency room”. Then Drs. Meletis and Wood wrote this book for you. It is a must read—it very well may save your life!
Erectile dysfunction (ED), even though likely to be corrected with the therapies in this book, should be the least of your concerns. The metabolic consequences of andropause can be devastating.
Do yourself, spouse, significant other, children or grandchildren a huge favor—read this book and join the thousands of males who daily enjoy the benefits of a more youthful vitality and the chance to add quality years to their lives.
— Jay H Mead, M.D.
Product Description
Testosterone levels begin to decline in men at the age of 30. But, as this book shows, men can take steps to normalize hormone levels. With the twin goals of education and empowerment, two naturopaths explain the roles of male hormones and why decreasing testosterone levels affect body and mind. His Change of Life: Male Menopause and Healthy Aging with Testosterone offers detailed descriptions of testing options and, most importantly, specific treatment choices offered by both allopathic and alternative models that will enable men of all ages to live life to the fullest.
Symptoms the authors address include night sweats, reduced flexibility, loss of muscle mass, low sex drive, and high blood pressure. Solutions they explain include stress management, exercise, nutrition, dietary supplements, and androgen replacement therapy. Conventional treatments are also covered, as are potential side effects of actions men may take. The authors detail which actions are safe to take on your own, and which need the supervision of a medical expert.
About the Authors
CHRIS MELETIS, N.D. is Executive Director of the Institute for Healthy Aging. An internationally recognized educator, author, and lecturer, he also serves as Series Editor for the Praeger series in Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Named the 2003 Naturopathic Physician of the Year by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, he is also former Chief Medical Officer and Dean of Naturopathic Medicine at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. Meletis is Founder of Divine Medicine, an organization dedicated to helping the medically underserved.
SARA WOOD, N.D. is a naturopathic physician in private practice in Oregon. Degreed in biochemistry as well as naturopathic medicine, she is also Staff Physician at Labrix Clinical Services, a state-of-the-art laboratory testing hormone levels in saliva. Her patients include both men and women.
Authors: Chris D. Meletis,N.D., Sara Wood, N.D.
ISBN-10(13): 9780313360237
Publisher: Praeger
Publication date: 2009-04-30
Edition: 1
Language: English
Price: $34.36