A Pre-Conception Nutritional Approach
Chris D. Meletis, ND (with permission from cpmedical.net, access pin: 587556)
[Editor’s Note: Chris D. Meletis, ND is co-author of the book Enhancing Fertility: A Couple’s Guide to Natural Approaches.]
The inability to conceive a child is one of the most heartbreaking situations a couple can endure. Unfortunately, due to reduced sperm counts, exposure to environmental estrogens and a variety of other modern day factors, more and more couples are struggling with infertility. In the U.S., an estimated 14 percent of couples have infertility problems and an estimated 10.2 percent of women between the ages of 15 to 44 (roughly 6.2 million women) experience some type of impaired fertility. The number of women with infertility problems is projected to reach 7.7 million by the year 2025.1
Infertility can occur equally in men as in women, with 30 percent of infertility attributable to men and 30 percent to women, while another 30 percent is attributed to both partners and the remaining 10 percent is related to unknown factors. Other statistics indicate the annual incidence of male infertility is at least 2 million cases, which equates to an incidence rate of approximately 1 in 136 men in the U.S.2