Higher blood levels of omega 3 (EPA/DHA) fish oil could be the missing link to your weight loss goals.
Recent British Journal of Nutrition research findings discovered that overweight and obese people have blood levels that are lower than in healthy weight individuals. The clinical findings showed that increased omega-3 levels were associated with a healthier BMI, a smaller waist, and a lower hip size.
One of the proposed mechanisms is that omega-3s may increase the production of thermogenesis, the burning of fat. Other proposed mechanisms of how omega-3s help with weight loss is that it helps with the sense of fullness decreasing overeating.
Omega-3 oils are health promoting, many experts believe that these essential fatty acids are greatly devoid in the Westernized diet. We know that inflammation control can be improved by increasing omega 3 intake. Also it is currently believed that inflammation increases weight gain. In short, regardless of whether omega 3 works via one mechanism or many, the bottomline is that it is an “essential” nutrient, for it is by definition an “essential” fatty acid. Take the time to read more about omega-3 fatty acids at Complementary Prescriptions.
M. Micallef, I. Munro, M. Phang, M. Garg “Plasma n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are negatively associated with obesity”British Journal of Nutrition 2009