Going to a party and being socially stressed, hanging around with friends that stress you out, or for that matter any social setting that just doesn’t float your boat can make you fatter, increase your risk of heart disease and weaken your immune system.
This is what was basically found in a study of monkeys that were fed a Standard American Diet, also known as (SAD) diet. It was discovered that the monkeys that were socially stressed developed more fat in the abdominal cavity than other monkeys.
Let me point out something very critical, the fat was in the abdominal cavity, this kind of fat is called visceral fat, it is below the abdominal muscles and surrounds your organs. This is the fat, that you can’t pinch an inch or more, because it is too deep within you. It is literally a ticking time bomb, as it increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, accelerated weight gain and death. And for men it also increase your risk of getting female weight distribution, breasts and hips.
Bottom line:
Don’t let stress get the better of you. The jury is in, and visceral (deep belly fat), is deadly. In fact, for every five-centimeter (about two inches) increase in waist size in subjects with any BMI score, death risk rose by 17 percent for males and 13 percent for females.
Men whose waists measured about 40 inches or more had double the risk of dying compared to those who had waists 34 inches or less. Females whose BMI was normal but who had waists 35 inches or more had a 79 percent increased chance of dying compared to female subjects whose waists were 28 inches or less.
Take charge today, and share this message with friends and family. You aren’t the only person feeling the effects of stress.