Natural Approaches for Treating Polycystic Ovary Syndrome*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D., with Nieske Zabriskie, N.D Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex medical condition involving multiple body systems. The etiology of this condition is unknown. In addition, there is currently no consensus on the diagnostic criteria for PCOS. It is accepted that hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance, and menstrual abnormalities are commonly present. An estimated 6–10 percent…

To Sleep, Perchance to Breathe *

Sleep Apnea, Snoring, and Sleep-Disordered Breathing Chris D. Meletis, N.D., with Nieske Zabriskie, N.D. Sleep apnea is defined as a sleep disorder with frequent episodes of upper – airway obstruction resulting in hemoglobin oxygen desaturation. The disorder is characterized by periods of breathing cessation (apnea) and periods of reduced breathing (hypopnea). Sleep apnea increases morbidity and mortality, thus…

Interactions Between Drugs and Natural Medicines 2nd Edition; What the Physician & Pharmacist must know about Vitamins, Minerals, Foods and Herbs

Book Description Currently, there is very little information regarding how over-the-counter and prescription drugs interact with dietary and herbal supplements. This book emerged out of a great necessity to have factual knowledge concerning nutritional & herbal therapies and how they interact with drugs. The information in this book started as notes for Dr. Meletis’ pharmacology…

Natural Approaches to Mitigating Hypertension*

Hypertension is one of the greatest health care problems facing today’s world with 50 million North Americans suffering from this often-silent killer. Elevated blood pressure is a known risk factor for heart attacks and strokes along with excess wear and tear throughout the body and hypertension is the foremost cause of unexpected death. Hypertension also contributes to comorbidity in individuals with…

Natural Supports for Gaining and Maintaining Muscle Mass*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D., and Nieske Zabriskie, N.D. Muscle-building research is useful for athletes and bodybuilders as well as for elderly patients and those with muscle-wasting conditions. Research shows that a healthy diet, resistance exercise, and nutritional supplements are beneficial for improving body composition and the body of research on nutritional supplements for athletes is growing. However, supplementation will…

Medicinal Mushrooms A Selective Overview*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D., and Jason E. Barker, N.D. Most people, if they think about mushrooms at all, consider them a food with no particular value beyond taste. As a significant source of protein, fiber, several minerals, B vitamins, and ascorbic acid, mushrooms are actually a healthy addition to the diet. They also have uses beyond nutrition, having numerous…