Therapeutic Enzymes*

Using the Body’s Helpers as Healers Chris D. Meletis, N.D., and Jason E. Barker, N.D Enzyme therapies are becoming more prevalent in medicine today, with many manufacturers targeting their advantages in disease treatment. In the last 100 year s, enzymes have been increasingly used to treat various diseases. Early observations of Bacillus pyocyaneus revealed that its secretions could…

Synergy in Nutrients*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D., and Jason E. Barker, N.D. Natural medicine had its beginnings in the use of whole foods at the outset of human history. Prior to the advent of modern encapsulated natural medicine, our ancestors utilized medicines in their natural states without improvements (other than by increasing supply and storage). A central tenet of natural medicine is that…

Herbs and Nutrients for the Mind

Two naturopaths introduce us to the world of brain biochemistry, translating the science to common English, so that we can understand the potential power of herbs and nutrients to enhance health, prevent disorders and affect existing health disorders. These alternatives, or supplements, to medication are being used across the country to help treat health conditions…

Holistic Approaches to Treating Andropause*

Andropause has been increasingly discussed in the media in recent years. Originally described as the “male climac­teric,” in a Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)1 paper in the mid-1940s, andropause has gained much attention lately among medical providers. In the JAMA study, Heller and Myers reported the benefits of testosterone replace­ment for relieving andropausal…

Functional Foods for Childhood Development*

Jason Barker, N.D., and Chris D. Meletis, N.D. Preventive medicine has undergone great advances, in the last decade alone demonstrating the crucial role of nutrition for preventing diseases, especially those related to diet. The philosophy that food has health-promoting effects beyond its nutritional value has gained considerable acceptance in recent years and the specific disease-preventing effects of nutrition have even led…

Optimizing Female Fertility*

Chris Meletis N.D., and Jason Barker, N.D. Once a subject that was paid relatively little regard, fertility has become increasingly popular, as the wear and tear of modern living has altered fertility levels. Various sources cite differing statistics surrounding this phenomenon: 1 • Some sources report that 1 in every 6 couples may be infertile. • Other sources…

Mental Health Not All in the Mind—Really a Matter of Cellular Biochemistry*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D., and Jason Barker, N.D. The adage of “the mind is a terrible thing to waste” is especially true when it comes to nutrition and its effects on mental disease. The literature has numerous studies that indicate multiple nutritional deficiencies as contributors to mental illnesses and their symptoms. From this research, we can extrapolate that fueling an…