Nature’s True Aphrodisiacs Vital Health Factors For Men and Women*

It is estimated that more than 10–20 million American men suffer from erectile dysfunction. This equates to approximately 1 man in 10, with that number becoming even larger by age 50, at which time, 1 man in 4 is believed to be affected.1,2 Such statistics are not as readily available for women, probably because of the previous lack of research into the field of…

Natural Relief for Inflammation of Sprains, Strains, and Arthritis*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D. Natural medicine can provide dramatic relief for patients who suffer from the aches and pains associated with sports-related injuries, other minor traumas, and chronic inflammatory conditions. The natural bounty of potential treatments runs the gamut from Lyprinol (a stabilized green-lipped mussel extract) (Tyler Encapsulations, Gresham, Oregon) to bromelain (a popular proteolytic enzyme derived from pineapple plants). Regardless of how…

Natural Approaches to Sinusitis Relief*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D. It is estimated that 50 million Americans are plagued with symptoms of sinusitis and related allergic conditions. At first glance, the potential severity, chronicity, and dramatic effect on an individual’s quality of life is often discounted. Yet, as reflected in a recent study reviewing 120 individuals seen in a community-based otolaryngology practice, it was discovered that the mean length of being…

Interactions Between Natural and Rx Immune-Active Medicines*

At least once a year on average patients suffer from the afflictions accompanied by the common cold. Whether it is a cold or another immune challenge, we have all seen patients that are virtually willing to take anything to eliminate their symptoms, such as nasal congestion, dry and sore throats, inflamed nasal passages, achiness, swollen lymph nodes, and, all too often, sleepless nights. It…

Cough Control the Natural Way

Chris D. Meletis, N.D. Cough is the most common presenting symptom seen in a general family practice. Clinically, a cough is almost always merely a symptom of an underlying condition. It is important to look beyond the cough to treat the cause and, hence, achieve maximal relief. Cough is a normal protective mechanism for clearing the airway of secretions, irritants, and foreign materials. Air expulsion…

Nutritional Considerations in Treating Anemia*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D. Anemia is not a disease per se but rather a symptom that arises from either a reduction in the number of red blood cells (RBCs) or the quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. Even the slightest sign of anemia represents an imbalance in the body that is worthy of clinical investigation. Only an in depth review and methodical elimination of possible etiologies allows for…

Natural Approaches to the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D. There are nearly 2 million Americans, mostly men, that suffer from Parkinson’s disease. Since it was first described in 1817, it has been well researched, and much is now known about its etiology and the precise symptoms associated with the progression of neurologic degeneration. From a pathologic perspective, this condition results from the degeneration within the nuclear masses of the extrapyramidal system. Among…

Natural Alternatives for the Treatment of Impotence and for Improving Men’s Health*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D. Impotenceis now a topic for open conversation. Even politicians are talking about impotence. Medically speaking, the term erectile dysfunction more specifically describes the inability to sustain physically an erection that is sufficient for intercourse. Impotence includes a broader grouping of conditions that contribute to less than fully successful intercourse, including diminished libido, inability to reach orgasm, and premature ejaculation. Current…

Natural Medicine Approaches for the Treatment of Degenerative Arthritis*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D. Arthritis literally means “inflammation of the joint.” If the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder was easy, the 40 million Americans who are currently suffering from the most prevalent form of arthritis, osteoarthritis, would not be suffering the consequences of joint degeneration. Although arthritis can take on many forms, including gouty, septic, psoriatic, and rheumatoid, the ultimate degeneration that occurs in all forms involves cartilage…