Anti-Inflammatory Drink Mix

Controlling Inflammation in the GI Tract and Throughout the Body By Chris D. Meletis, ND Unchecked inflammation is one of the foremost causes of premature aging and countless devastating health conditions. The inflammatory process is associated with an overwhelming and crippling effect on the overburdened health care system of North America, including coronary artery disease,…

Metabolic Syndrome

Novel Botanical Inhibits This Modern Day Threat to Heart Health By Chris D. Meletis, ND Metabolic syndrome is something individuals often read about but aren’t sure how it is applicable to their own lives. However, metabolic syndrome is a very real threat to anyone who succumbs to the pressures of job stress, the temptation of…

New Year’s Weight Loss

Study Confirms Abdominal Fat is Deadly Even in Normal Weight People By Chris D. Meletis, ND Often, weight loss gets put on the back burner until the holidays are over. And when individuals do commit to a weight loss program in January, they concentrate on subtracting pounds from their total, overall weight. Although this is…

Gastrointestinal Support

Proactive Steps to Strengthen GI Health By Chris D. Meletis, ND Often, we don’t pay attention to our intestinal health unless we develop an obvious gastrointestinal disease. Yet, the GI tract is the absolute barrier between the burdensome outside world that enters our bodies in the form of foods and contaminates (herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals…

The Many Faces of Serotonin

Deficiency Linked to GI Disorders, Depression, Asthma and Fibromyalgia By Chris D. Meletis, ND Serotonin is a neurotransmitter often connected to mood. However, while serotonin deficiency is linked to depression, its role in a host of other conditions often goes unrecognized by the general public. Yet, serotonin deficiency is the common denominator in the etiology…

New Immunotropin™ Magnifies EpiCor®’s Immune-Enhancing Abilities in Great-Tasting Liquid Formula

EpiCor®, when it was introduced, revolutionized the concept of immune support. Now, we’ve magnified the effects of this powerful immune-boosting supplement by introducing a new, great-tasting liquid formula called Immunotropin™, which features ImmuneCE™, a proprietary blend of the premier immune enhancer EpiCor and a specially derived colostrum fraction that helps “educate” the immune system to…