Epigenetics: Growing Up in a Toxic World – Part 2

Last month, in Part I of this article, I reviewed the different types of epigenetic modifications and how they can adversely affect children’s health. In the current article, I discuss these modifications in more detail, including how they can be effectively prevented or reversed. A variety of factors can lead to such epigenetic modifications, starting in the prenatal period and extending beyond and…

man holding stomach in pain

Autoimmunity, Allergies, & Biochemical Pathways: An Individualized Approach

Autoimmune diseases afflict a considerable portion of the population, with recent numbers indicating that 15.9% of the US population, or 41 million people, suffer from an autoimmune condition.1 Although autoimmune diseases are more common among women, the number of men with this type of condition is increasing, according to a study conducted by scientists at the National Institutes of Health.1 At the same time, the incidence of food…

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Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia: Treatment Using the Hippocratic Philosophy

The philosophy of Hippocrates has been shown over the past 2400 years to not only have merit but also notable scientific veracity. Hippocrates advocated a natural approach to the treatment of diseases and emphasized the need for harmony between the individual and social and natural environments.1 His approach is especially relevant to mental disorders such as depression and…