Oil Up Your Weight Loss Goals

Higher blood levels of omega 3 (EPA/DHA) fish oil could be the missing link to your weight loss goals. Recent British Journal of Nutrition research findings discovered that overweight and obese people have blood levels that are lower than in healthy weight individuals. The clinical findings showed that increased omega-3 levels were associated with a…

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) *

TOWNSEND LETTER – JUNE 2009 by Chris D. Meletis, ND and Nieske Zabriskie, ND Fortunately, there are many clinical markers that can be used to quantify risk and to measure successful therapeutic intervention when applied in the patient model. The following discussion offers a select review of well-known and more obscure clinical indices along with…

Supporting Gastrointestinal Health with Nutritional Therapy*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D., and Nieske Zabriskie, N.D Digestive disorders are increasingly common and affect millions of Americans. There were 41.3 million office visits to physicians and 15.1 visits to the emergency rooms for digestivesystem symptoms in 2004, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) most recent data. 1 Conditions include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); inflammatory bowel…

Adrenal Fatigue – Enhancing Quality of Life for Patients with a Functional Disorder *

Published in: ALTERNATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES—OCTOBER 2002 Authors: Chris D. Meletis, N.D., and Wayne A. Centrone, N.D., A.T.-C. The human organism is bombarded with an incredible variety of stresses at any given time. Stress can be categorized in an equally dizzying number of ways. There are both chronic and acute stressors. There are somatic stressors…

Natural Approaches to the Prevention and Management of Diabetes Mellitus*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D., and Ben Bramwell According to facts and figures provided by the American Diabetes Association, there are an estimated 15.7 million people in the United States with diabetes. Approximately 5.4 million of these people have not yet been diagnosed.1 The hyperglycemia resulting from types I and II diabetes mellitus can lead to multiple challenges for the person with diabetes. Patients…

Basic Nutrient Support for Proper Immune Function*

Chris D. Meletis, N.D. An ever increasing number of patients are presenting to primary care practitioners with immune dysfunctions and various common infections. Of course, the challenge for a practitioner who is faced with such a patient is to intervene acutely while addressing the underlying cause of the illness to prevent a chronic pattern from developing. Proper nutrition is truly the best approach to preventing…